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Why I’ve Applied for CGA

Hello, Folks!

I’ve been home for less than 2 months and it has been refreshing and very difficult. I probably need to write a blog about that in and of itself.

HOWEVER! Today is not that day.

I am announcing my next plan, and that is to attend Adventures in Missions’ 2nd-year program called the Center for Global Action, or CGA. In this program I will be undergoing discipleship and training by the Adventures staff to further my knowledge and ability to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The short version of the plan is this: I will spend 8 months in Gainesville, Georgia for this program, and then I will live overseas starting and operating various businesses with the goal of supporting and witnessing to the community in the area.

Due to certain governmental restrictions in areas of Asia, I cannot give a comprehensive list of the places that I want to operate, but as of right now I plan to target some of the unreached countries of the world. One of these, which is near to my heart, is Japan.

Upon completing the World Race, I came back home with a new vision for the world and a lot more knowledge of what it looks like and how it operates. To be completely honest, I came back with a broken heart. I still haven’t completely recovered from that. My heart breaks for the U.S. too, so that doesn’t make it easier.

There was one thing that I could not shake, however, and that was that there are entire countries of people in the world who have never heard of the gospel. The name Jesus means nothing to them. They’re desperately crying out for help for any “god” who listens, and many don’t know how lost they are. That breaks my heart. 

It also makes me frustrated and angry. How could you let that happen, God? This is one area that I still struggle with. It doesn’t feel fair to me. I’ve read the scripture to explain it and all, but I guess my human mind doesn’t comprehend God’s plan behind it.

One thing I do know, however, is the Great Commission.

So that’s what I’m going to do. Again. Again? Forever.

And again, I really need your help. I have to fundraise for this program, and I’m also looking for investors and partners for future businesses. By September 16th, 2016 I need to raise $3,000 and by the end of the program I’ll need to raise $8,000.

If you have a heart for missions, but you are unable to go, please prayerfully consider supporting me in this endeavor. If you have a passion for unreached people groups, please prayerfully consider supporting me. Or for any of the other reasons there are to support someone who wants to carry the gospel, please prayerfully consider.

I encourage all of you to message me on facebook and ask me questions about my plans and what this program is going to look like. Please be praying for me in this time. This is a very overwhelming undertaking and I’m scared. However, I am choosing to believe that God is going to follow through as I step out.

As always, thank you for your time and God bless you.